Case Studies


Core plus investment with active management opportunities

Investment Type




Acquisition Date

December 2013

Acquisition Value


In December 2013 we acquired this 179,672 sqft retail warehousing park in Barnet on the North Circular with flexible open A1 planning permission.  

The retail park provided a core asset with a stable cash flow profile in Greater London but where rental levels were comparatively low.  

Enhanced returns have been achieved through active asset management. Since purchase we have constructed two new retail pods pre let to Costa and Subway, agreed an increase in an outstanding rent review and an extension to an anchor tenant’s lease.

New park signage plans are currently being developed to raise the park’s profile.  We are also progressing with a tenant downsize in conjunction with a letting of the vacant 7,500 sq ft unit which will generate new rental evidence for the 2017 rent review cycle and further enhance asset returns.

Past Performance is not a guide to the future. The value of an investment may go down as well as up and future returns are not guaranteed.

Other Services

  • Asset Management (advisory)
  • Indirect investment